Terms and Abbreviations

AAPCSARM architecture procedure call standard
AHBAdvanced high-performance bus
ALUArithmetic logic unit
AMBAAdvanced microcontroller bus architecture
APBAdvanced peripheral bus
APIApplication programming interface
ARM ARMARM Architecture Reference Manual
BE8Byte invariant big endian mode
BPUBreak point unit
CMSISCortex microcontroller software interface standard
CMOSComplementary metal oxide semiconductor
CPUCentral processing unit
DAPDebug access port
DDRDouble data rate (memory)
DS-5Development Studio 5
DWTData watchpoint and trace unit (unit)
EABI/ABIEmbedded application binary interface
EWARMIAR embedded workbench for ARM
EXC_RETURNException return
FPGAField programmable gate array
GPIOGeneral purpose input/output ...

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