Terms and Abbreviations
Abbreviations | Definitions |
AAPCS | ARM architecture procedure call standard |
AHB | Advanced high-performance bus |
ALU | Arithmetic logic unit |
AMBA | Advanced microcontroller bus architecture |
APB | Advanced peripheral bus |
API | Application programming interface |
ARM ARM | ARM Architecture Reference Manual |
BE8 | Byte invariant big endian mode |
BPU | Break point unit |
CMSIS | Cortex microcontroller software interface standard |
CMOS | Complementary metal oxide semiconductor |
CPU | Central processing unit |
DAP | Debug access port |
DDR | Double data rate (memory) |
DS-5 | Development Studio 5 |
DWT | Data watchpoint and trace unit (unit) |
EABI/ABI | Embedded application binary interface |
EWARM | IAR embedded workbench for ARM |
EXC_RETURN | Exception return |
FPGA | Field programmable gate array |
GPIO | General purpose input/output ... |
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