Accessing the cluster

We need a way to access the cluster. So far, we saw that we can, at least, interact with the Kubernetes API. Every time we executed kubectl, it communicated with the cluster through the API server. That communication is established through AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Let's take a quick look at it.

aws elb describe-load-balancers  

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows:

  "LoadBalancerDescriptions": [
      "ListenerDescriptions": [
          "Listener": {
            "InstancePort": 443, 
            "LoadBalancerPort": 443, 
            "Protocol": "TCP", 
            "InstanceProtocol": "TCP"
      "Instances": [
          "InstanceId": "i-01f5c2ca47168b248"
          "InstanceId": "i-0305e3b2d3da6e1ce"
 "InstanceId": "i-04291ef2432b462f2" ...

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