Facing a disaster

Let's explore one disaster scenario. Frankly, it's not going to be a real disaster, but it will require us to find a solution to an issue.

We'll start by installing the already familiar go-demo-5 application.

 1  GD5_ADDR=go-demo-5.$LB_IP.nip.io
 3  helm install \
 4      https://github.com/vfarcic/go-demo-5/releases/download/    0.0.1/go-demo-5-0.0.1.tgz \
 5      --name go-demo-5 \
 6      --namespace go-demo-5 \
 7      --set ingress.host=$GD5_ADDR
 9  kubectl -n go-demo-5 \
10      rollout status \
11      deployment go-demo-5

We declared GD5_ADDR with the address through which we'll be able to access the application. We used it as ingress.host variable when we installed the go-demo-5 Chart. To be on the safe side, we waited until the app rolled out, and ...

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