Combining Azure Log Analytics with an AKS cluster

Just like GKE (and unlike EKS), AKS comes with an integrated logging solution. All we have to do is enable one of the AKS addons. To be more precise, we'll enable the monitoring addon. As the name indicates, the addon does not fulfill only the needs to collect logs, but it also handles metrics. However, we are interested just in logs. I believe that nothing beats Prometheus for metrics, especially since it integrates with HorizontalPodAutoscaler. Still, you should explore AKS metrics as well and reach your own conclusion. For now, we'll explore only the logging part of the addon.

 1  az aks enable-addons \
 2    -a monitoring \
 3    -n devops25-cluster \
 4    -g devops25-group

The output is a rather ...

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