Diagrammatic representation of a single shaded hand, which symbolizes privacy.

Privacy has fomented passionate policy debates, protests, and some of the most sweeping and severe regulations ever placed on digital organizations. While many cite the European Union's General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) as a year-zero milestone, the truth is that privacy issues have always been fundamental to functional societies.

In the same way, protection of privacy must be an integral component of all cybersecurity efforts.

Just as security techniques and protocols that don't account for the fundamental element of speed are simply turned off or abandoned, leaving a network completely unprotected, lack of privacy catalyzes a similar reaction. If users feel privacy is at risk, they find simple workarounds that create a vast, and far more vulnerable, shadow IT infrastructure comprising devices and systems that most IT teams can't even see, much less protect. If you are going to do cybersecurity at speed and scale, then you also need to do privacy risk detection and mitigation at speed and scale.

As we move forward, how will our digital innovations impact one of the most fundamental aspects of modern life—our desire ...

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