The Dojo Toolkit: Visual QuickStart Guide

Book description

The Dojo Toolkit is an open-source JavaScript toolkit for building Web applications so dynamic they jump off the page. Filled with special controls like calendars and menus, and special effects like wipes and fade-ins, Dojo is rapidly gaining popularity and is emerging as the toolkit of choice for Ajax applications. The Dojo Toolkit Visual QuickStart Guide covers the highlights of Dojo in detail and is the easiest way to get up and running quickly with Dojo.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Introduction
    1. What’s in This Book
    2. What You’ll Need
  4. 1. Essential Dojo
    1. About Dojo
    2. Getting Dojo
    3. Using AOL CDN to Get Dojo
    4. Getting Started with Dojo
    5. Creating a Dojo Web Page
    6. Using the Dojo Styles
    7. Preparing to Use Dijits
    8. Adding a Button Dijit
    9. Adding a TextBox Dijit
    10. Responding to Dijit Events
    11. Displaying Text in a Text Box After a Button Click
    12. Running textbox.html
  5. 2. Form Dijits: Text Boxes and Buttons
    1. Creating Dijits in Code
    2. Connecting Code to Dijits Using <script> Elements
    3. Submitting to Web Sites
    4. Debugging Dojo
    5. Using ValidationTextBox
    6. Using NumberTextBox
    7. Using DateTextBox
    8. Using TimeTextBox
    9. Using NumberSpinner
  6. 3. Form Dijits: Combo Boxes, Toggles, and More
    1. Using CheckBox
    2. Using RadioButton
    3. Using ComboBox
    4. Using ToggleButton
    5. Using MultiSelect
    6. Using Slider
    7. Using DropDownButton
    8. Using ComboButton
  7. 4. Layout Dijits
    1. Using ContentPane
    2. Adding Dijits to a Content Pane
    3. Using BorderContainer
    4. Creating BorderContainer Dijits in Code
    5. Using StackContainer
    6. Creating StackContainer Dijits in Code
    7. Using TabContainer
    8. Creating a TabContainer Dijit in Code
    9. Using AccordionContainer
  8. 5. Application Dijits: Tool Tips and More
    1. Using Tooltip
    2. Using Tooltip with Images
    3. Using Dialog
    4. Using Dialog with Input
    5. Using ProgressBar
    6. Using ColorPalette
    7. Using ColorPalette with Dialog
    8. Using Toolbar
    9. Adding Images to Toolbar Buttons
  9. 6. Application Dijits: Menus, Trees, and More
    1. Using Menu
    2. Creating Context Menus
    3. Creating Pop-Up Menus
    4. Creating Traditional Menus
    5. Adding Menu Separators
    6. Using TitlePane
    7. Using InlineEditBox
    8. Creating Tree Data
    9. Using Tree
  10. 7. Dragging and Dropping
    1. Creating a Moveable
    2. Creating Moveables in Code
    3. Adding Dijits to Moveables
    4. Using Draggable Handles
    5. Responding to Drag Events
    6. Using Multiple Moveables
    7. Setting Motion Limits
    8. Using Source to Drag HTML Elements
    9. Handling Events with Source
  11. 8. Animation and Special Effects
    1. Using Fades
    2. Controlling Fade Speed with Functions
    3. Sliding Elements
    4. Wiping Elements
    5. Expanding Elements
    6. Controlling Expansion Speed with Functions
    7. Animating Drag-and-Drop Operations
    8. Toggling Elements Between Visible and Invisible
    9. Blending Colors
  12. 9. Ajax
    1. Using Ajax Without Dojo
    2. Using the Dojo xhrGet Method
    3. Using Dojo xhrGet to Read XML
    4. Using Dojo xhrGet to Read JSON
    5. Handling Dojo xhrGet Errors
    6. Sending Data Using GET
    7. Using GET with Forms
    8. Sending Data Using POST
  13. 10. Advanced Ajax
    1. Handling Ajax Timeouts
    2. Getting Error Messages
    3. Finishing Ajax Operations
    4. Preventing Caching
    5. Making Ajax Operations Synchronous
    6. Getting the XMLHttpRequest Object
    7. Getting Header Data
    8. Creating Callback Chains
    9. Canceling a Chained Request

Product information

  • Title: The Dojo Toolkit: Visual QuickStart Guide
  • Author(s): Steven Holzner
  • Release date: December 2008
  • Publisher(s): Peachpit Press
  • ISBN: 9780321634689