Chapter 11. GEF View
In Chapter 10 we took a step back from source code to discuss GEF architecture and concepts. Now we put that knowledge to work building the Genealogy GEF view using the figures and model developed in earlier chapters. We create a GEF view, then load model elements from an XML file (see Section 8.2.1 on page 116) for display in that view.
11.1 Setup
To use GEF, first we install the GEF feature using the update site, and then we modify our plug-in to depend on the GEF plug-in.
11.1.1 Installation
If you do not already have the GEF features installed, go to Help > Install New Software... and use either the main Eclipse update site or the GEF specific update site (see Section 2.1 on page 7) to install the GEF features.
11.1.2 ...
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