Gain-Scheduled Controllers

Christopher J. Bett,     Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems, Tewksbury, Massachusetts, USA

9.1. Introduction

9.2. Gain-Scheduling Design Through Linearization

9.2.1. Linearization

9.2.2. Scheduling Law

9.2.3. Discussion

9.3. Gain Scheduling for Linear Parameter Varying Systems

9.3.1. LPV Systems

9.3.2. Controller Synthesis for Induced-L2 Performance

9.3.3. Controller Synthesis for Induced-L, Performance

9.4. Conclusions

9.1 Introduction

Gain scheduling is a practical and powerful method for the control of nonlinear systems. A gain-scheduled controller is formed by interpolating between a set of linear controllers derived for a corresponding set of plant linearizations associated with ...

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