Schematic illustration of an elephant and a mouse.

Chapter 2The Elephant and the Mouse

The Elephant and the Mouse is a callout to all of us to acknowledge that the concepts and realities of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are becoming fully embedded in our lives and structures. This requires that we learn more about others, reframe our thinking, overcome our illusions, delve deeper into human behavior, and readjust how we lead.

The fundamental question that diversity efforts expose is what we know about the other and ultimately how we make decisions in the absence or presence of that knowledge. I find this a crucial determinant for creating and implementing successful, diverse, equitable, and inclusive cultures. It is an essential inquiry in looking at those who have dominant roles and those who don't. Presence of knowledge about others does not guarantee success, but absence of knowledge guarantees failure. My metaphor to capture this is the Elephant and Mouse. How much do you know about the other? If you are a member of the group that has traditionally been in power, the other already knows a lot about you.

Historically, out‐of‐power groups are using social media and other megaphones to make more readily apparent that they do not live in the same world as those that have had the power. They want others to see and recognize differential treatment and places of unfairness. They want understanding that it is possible for ...

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