CHAPTER 25Where to Start
Many people reading this book are doing so because they want to help redesign their organizations to focus on employee experiences. For me, it's quite clear that this isn't an option; it's the only option. The future of work is about completely redesigning our organizations to put employee experience at the very center of how they operate. The journey is not easy but the rewards along the way are great. As I have tried to make abundantly clear, everything in this book isn't meant to be thought of a checklist. Remember, it's not so much about what your organization does as it is about how your organization does it. So how can you go about creating an organization that is able to deliver on three environments and 17 variables in an amazing way? How can you create an Experiential Organization?
This book acts as a guide for organizations looking to create employee experiences, but it cannot teach you or your leaders to genuinely care about the people who work there. In fact, I don't believe this is something that can be taught. If you, your managers, or your executives do not care about the employees or the team members you work with, then this entire book will be completely useless. This is one of the key distinctions between the truly Experiential Organizations and everyone else. They don't invest in employee experiences for the business value. They invest in them because they care, and the business value comes as a result. ...
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