- Acceptance, avoiding repositioning for the sake of
- Accountability:
- building
- with vision of greatness
- Acquisitions
- Advancement:
- choosing enlightened self-interest over
- myth about
- self-esteem and. See also Myopic self-interest
- ultimate dream of
- Adversaries
- asking allies to deal with
- bosses as
- creating
- essential connection to
- identifying others as
- letting go of
- negotiating with
- opponents vs.
- saying goodbye to
- subordinates as
- Aggression:
- and courage
- as political script/profile
- Agreement:
- of adversaries
- of allies
- of bedfellows
- of fence sitters
- negotiating
- of opponents
- Allies
- negotiating with
- steps in managing relationship with
- Anderson, Bob
- Anger, as stage in claiming freedom
- Apple
- Approval seeking
- Assignments
- Association for Quality and Participation
- Assumptions
- AT&T
- Attitude surveys
- Auditors
- Authenticity
- Authentic tactics
- avoiding repositioning for the sake of acceptance
- saying no when we mean no
- sharing as much information as possible
- using language that describes reality
- Authority:
- belief in
- efforts at maintaining
- employees as ultimate source of
- in entrepreneurial contract
- external
- internal
- patterns of relating to. See also Political scripts
- rebellion against
- submission to
- for top managers
- Autonomy:
- balancing dependence, interdependence, and
- choosing dependency vs.
- claiming
- defined
- in dependency-creating culture
- in entrepreneurial cycle
- as false god
- inefficiency resulting from
- and interdependence
- in organizational politics
- and wish for safety ...
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