Rule 4Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead

As a leader, you set the tone for your entire team. You must communicate your vision.

—Colin Powell

Positive passengers are wanted. The journey is much more thrilling, full, and rich when it is shared with others. Now that you have a vision to share, you need to communicate that vision and get people on your bus. To get people on your bus, you must communicate in a way that drives alignment and buy-in. I recommend you share your vision with potential passengers, and then invite them on board to join you.

It does not matter how big or how small your goal, your team, or your business is, you need a cohesive and dynamic team to propel your bus to its intended destination. Whether your passengers are your friends, your family, or a workplace team, they must understand and buy in to your vision for the road ahead. A team that is clear on the vision will find a way forward past all the potholes, roadblocks, and delays.

Questions to Help Get People on Your Bus

Answer the following questions.

  1. What kind of vision do you want to share with your team? Is it a personal vision, a family vision, a project vision, a team vision, or a company vision? Write down the vision. Be specific and paint a vivid, verbal picture ...

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