© Jeanine Meyer 2018
Jeanine MeyerThe Essential Guide to HTML5https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4155-4_9

9. Hangman

Jeanine Meyer1 
Purchase, NY, USA
In this chapter, we cover
  • CSS styles

  • Generating markup for alphabet buttons

  • Using an array for a sequence of drawings

  • Using a character string for the secret word

  • Create an external script file for the word list

  • Setting up and removing event handling


The goal for this chapter is to continue demonstrating programming techniques and the features of HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript, combining dynamic creation of HTML markup along with drawing graphics and text on the canvas. The example for this chapter is another familiar game—the paper-and-pencil game of Hangman.

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