
Dan Miller

New York Times best-selling author of 48 Days to the Work You Love

Ah yes, “If I were a rich man.” That familiar plea from the popular show and movie Fiddler on the Roof seems to echo the wish and the dream of many today. If only I were rich, then I wouldn’t have to go to work every day. And yet, when we talk to those who are rich, getting out of working hard doesn’t appear to be their goal at all. The money was not the primary goal at all. Rather, money showed up because the person wanted to do something worthwhile and thoroughly enjoyed the work they were doing. The Eventual Millionaire is a fresh reminder that ending up wealthy is not a position reserved just for the lucky or those born into the right family. It is available for anyone—but may not come in the way portrayed in movies and fictional stories.

And thus we jump into some observations that challenge common thinking:

  • We can’t go after money directly—it will stay just out of our reach. It seems money is a by-product of combining our skills, talents, and a reasonable economic model.
  • We don’t become millionaires by being envious of those who already are. Rather, we become millionaires by thinking like millionaires think—and they tend to be not greedy and jealous, but extremely generous.
  • We don’t become millionaires by hoarding resources so we can eventually “give back.” Instead, it appears millionaires have been giving back from the very first day.
  • We don’t become wealthy by caring for only ourselves, ...

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