Chapter 3. Facebook Page Basics
A Facebook Page is key to most social media marketing strategies and will more than likely be the central point for most of your efforts and promotions. Twitter is great for quick updates, but to get the full story, users usually need to click elsewhere. A Facebook Page allows you to provide both in one place, while also offering full customization and a variety of interactions.
Many brands use Facebook tabs in lieu of landing pages on their actual websites, because tabs have more built-in social functionality, are easy to update, and are especially helpful for running contests and promotions. But even if you foresee offering giveaways through tabs, you should still invest some serious setup time in Page customization.
Build your Page for success the first time around by populating it with lots of optimized content and developing a content strategy to keep it fresh. You can spend as much or as little time as you can afford updating and maintaining the Page, and your time input will vary as your goals and use of the Page fluctuate. If you fill out the Page completely and make it interesting and engaging early on, however, it’s easier to take some time off later.
As you read in Chapter 2, Facebook outlines strict rules about who can have a Facebook ...
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