Chapter 9. The Eyes Say It All
Seeing is believing.
How do you feel when someone is talking to you, but they just can’t seem to look you in the eyes?
They may occasionally glance at you, but for the most part their face angles to the side or down and away from you. These folks remind me of my dogs, Peabody and Sherman, only in reverse. When they want something—a treat, to play, or to go out to do their business—they look me straight in the eyes and bark. But try to give them a command, “Look over here, Sherman. Come on, Sherman, this way, over here,” so [Oops] I can snap a picture because he looks so [Oops] cute chewing up Ginger’s only pair of Gucci shoes, what does he do? He looks in every direction except mine as if I wasn’t there. ...
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