The First-Time Trainer134
American Management Association
Exhibit 5-15. (continued)
4. Assume that all learners will be motivated to succeed in the training
session because the result will increase their value to the organiza-
5. Stimulate cooperation and interaction between older and younger
workers (e.g., get a younger worker to assist an older worker if the
latter is not knowledgeable about the technology being used to
deliver the training).
6. Allow learners, particularly younger ones, to take control of their
learning to the greatest extent practicable.
7. Encourage learners, particularly younger ones, to identify their
strengths and weaknesses, and focus on strengths.
8. Build as much fl exibility into the training as possible, including mul-
tiple delivery methods where possible, short segments, and, gener-
ally, a blended approach.
9. Include as much variety as possible in order for all learners to fi nd
something they are comfortable with.
Trainers are blessed with an enormous amount of material—check-
lists, books, journals, workshops, and more—to help them ply their
trade. Some may think overblessed is a better word because there’s so
much information inundating them, with more becoming available
each day. One of the keys to success in fi ltering so much information
is to look ahead at the training you’ll be doing and identify a few
signifi cant areas for review. For example, if you know older work-
ers will be attending the training session, read up on some of the
tips in this step and possibly do a Web search or contact someone
who has had experience with this age group. If you’ll be doing a lot
of classroom presentation, review the material regarding speaking
and presenting in this step, and possibly get a book on humor (or
locate a Web site of appropriate humor) and exercises to conduct
in order to make your presentation as interesting as possible. For
one last reminder before going on to the next step, Exhibit 5-16 lists
a number of do’s and donts for trainers. Use this as a last-minute
check before stepping onto the platform to start your session.
American Management Association
Deliver Effectively
Exhibit 5-16. Do’s and don’ts for trainers.
Speak clearly.
Make eye contact.
Get learners involved.
Use learners’ names.
Keep interest up through changing your tone of voice.
Get, and give, constant feedback.
Be enthusiastic. If this is tough, take acting lessons.
Be prepared.
Use speci c questions to determine if learning is taking place.
Observe breakout groups. They miss you when you don’t and may
do something else.
Be alert for those who need a little extra helpand give it to them.
Move around.
Accommodate each individual to the greatest extent possible.
Use equipment and aids as if you’ve been doing this all your life
even if it’s the fi rst time.
Set and observe time periods. The only acceptable time change is
to end early.
Dress appropriately.
Waste words (“you know,” “Im like,” “uh).
Read from notes.
Take part in private conversations during sessions.
Talk to visual aids.
Lecture or preach.
Ignore questions.
Pace up and down.
Turn your back to the audience while speaking.
Stand in front of visual aids.
Forget to make eye contact.
Forget that there are people on both sides and in back of the room.
Chew gum or food during a session.
Give people busywork in order to fi ll up the allotted time.
Stay in one position for long periods (including being glued to the
The First-Time Trainer136
American Management Association
Exhibit 5-16. (continued)
podium; some rooms have automatic light shut-offs—think how
embarrassing it would be if the lights went out during your ses-
Put your hands in your pockets, cross them in front of you, or use
them excessively.
Wear distracting attire.

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