The Five Golden Rules of Negotiation

Book description

This book is based upon detailed research on the behavior and skills of successful negotiators. From this research, the book extracts Five Golden Rules along with simple tools and techniques which, if applied, guarantee a successful negotiation outcome. The book itself is based upon a fictional buyer- salesperson relationship. The book starts with the two protagonists meeting over lunch on the day the Buyer is due to retire. They begin to discuss their business relationship over the years and the book uses different episodes/meetings during that time to bring out the above Golden Rules and other negotiation concepts. The book provides simple tools to help apply the Golden Rules and each chapter concludes with a summary of the key points and questions to be considered.

Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright
    1. Abstract
    2. Keywords
  3. Contents
  4. Foreword
  5. Prologue
  6. Part I: Become an Expert: Master the Five Golden Rules of Negotiation
    1. Chapter 1: The Crucial Prerequisite
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 2 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. The Crucial Prerequisite: Know What You Want
      4. What Do You Do When Things Get Difficult?
    2. Chapter 2: How to Set Your Initial Offer
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 2 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. Golden Rule No. 1: Have the Courage to Set a High Initial Demand
      4. How Do You Apply Golden Rule No. 1 When Things Get Difficult?
    3. Chapter 3: How to Respond to the Other Party’s Initial Attacks
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 7 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. Golden Rule No. 2: When Asked for a Concession, Always Respond First With a Defense of Your Offer
      4. Amateurs and Professionals
      5. How Do You Apply Golden Rule No. 2 When Things Get Difficult?
    4. Chapter 4: Never Make a Concession Without Getting Something in Return
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 6 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. Margaret Peake’s Office, 7 Years Earlier
      4. In the Restaurant
      5. Golden Rule No. 3: Only Grant a Concession if You Get Something in Return
      6. How Do You Apply Golden Rule No. 3 When Things Get Difficult?
    5. Chapter 5: How to Avoid Giving Away More Than Necessary
      1. Carl Ritchie’s Office, 8 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. Golden Rule No. 4: If You Have to Give Ground, Do So in Small Steps
      4. How Do You Apply Golden Rule No. 4 When Things Get Difficult?
      5. A Tool for the Implementation of Golden Rules 3 and 4: The Concessions Matrix
    6. Chapter 6: How to Guide Negotiations to a Successful Conclusion
      1. The Boardroom, 2 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. Golden Rule No. 5: Ensure You Lead the Negotiation Toward Its Conclusion
      4. Principles for Implementing Golden Rule No. 5
      5. How Do You Apply Golden Rule No. 5 When Things Get Difficult?
  7. Part II: Become a Guru: Anticipate Your Opponent’s Moves
    1. Chapter 7: How to Distinguish Apparent Demands From Real Demands
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 5 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. The Secret of the Expert Negotiator
      4. What Do You Do When Things Get Difficult?
    2. Chapter 8: How to Shift the Balance of Power Between Buyer and Seller
      1. Boardroom, 2 Weeks Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. What Are Your Opponent’s Intrinsic Powers?
      4. A Negotiator’s Personal Ability to Optimize the Effectiveness of His or Her Power
      5. How Can You Shift an Unfavorable Balance of Power in Your Favor?
    3. Chapter 9: How to Avoid the Traps of Professional Negotiators
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 10 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. The Traps of the Professional Negotiators
      4. In the Restaurant
      5. Boardroom, 9 Years Earlier
      6. In the Restaurant
      7. Some Other Traps of the Professional Negotiator
      8. Avoiding the Traps of the Professional Negotiator: Four Recommendations
    4. Chapter 10: How to Analyze and Exploit Decision-Making Processes
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 10 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. The Players
      4. The Real Objective of Each Player
      5. The Resources and Constraints of Each Player
      6. The Rational Strategies of the Players
      7. Your Personal Strategy
  8. Part III: Become a Legend: Develop Exceptional Negotiating Skills
    1. Chapter 11: Get “the Enemy” on Your Side
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 10 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. Establishing a Good Rapport With Your Counterpart Is Vital for the Successful Negotiator
    2. Chapter 12: How to Handle Bluffs and Detect Lies
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 6 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. How to Use the Bluff Properly During Negotiations
      4. Decoding Lies
      5. What Do You Do When Things Get Difficult?
    3. Chapter 13: Dealing With Difficult Discussions—Tactfully
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 1 Year Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. Develop Your Listening and Observational Skills
      4. Be the One Who Asks the Questions
      5. Be the Person Who Sums Up, Talks Positively, and Steers the Negotiations
    4. Chapter 14: “Take It or Leave It”
      1. Margaret Peake’s Office, 4 Years Earlier
      2. In the Restaurant
      3. “Take It or Leave it”: A Tactic That Takes Many Forms
      4. “Take It or Leave It”: Game Over…or Is It?
      5. In General
  9. Epilogue
  10. Carl Ritchie Applies Margaret Peake’s Advice
  11. Notes
    1. Chapter 3
    2. Chapter 11
  12. Announcing the Business Expert Press Digital Library
    1. Announcing the Business Expert Press Digital Library

Product information

  • Title: The Five Golden Rules of Negotiation
  • Author(s): Philippe Korda
  • Release date: September 2011
  • Publisher(s): Business Expert Press
  • ISBN: 9781606493076