All images used in this book are either original illustrations by Adriana Matallana, images owned by Rowan Gibson, copyrighted images from stock companies that have been purchased and used with permission, the property of other companies used with permission, or are images obtained from the public domain that do not require specific permission for use. A list of credits for these images includes the following:
Page xvi. Portrait photo by Eduardo Lopez.
Reworked brain image, original is a copyrighted image from Shutterstock (Image ID: 145505737), used with permission. |
Prometheus, Marie-Lan Nguyen, public domain: |
The Gonzaga Family and Retinue Detail 146574 Fresco Palazzo Ducale Camera Degli Sposi Bridal Chamber Mantua Italy, Andrea Mantegna, public |
Vitruvian Man, Leonardo da Vinci, public domain via Wikimedia Commons: |
Astronomer Copernicus-Conversation with God, Jan Matejko, public domain via Wikimedia Commons: |
Christopher Columbus, Sebastiano del Piombo, public domain via Wikimedia Commons: |
Francesco ... |
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