Chapter 6
Building Respect for Self, Team,
and Company
Management is the manipulation of variables,
some of which are people, for the goal-directed
release of energy toward cost-effective results.
f this definition is acceptable, then it’s obvious that there’s
more to the manager’s job than winning friends and influ-
encing people. If a manager cannot win with people, how-
ever, he or she had better be a truly exceptional performer.
It has been said about the late U.S. Navy Admiral Hyman
Rickover, widely regarded as the father of the nuclear subma-
rine, that there have been few people in positions of command
who exhibited a more disagreeable management style.
Rickover, however, was possessed of a powerful vision, and
was extremely effective at turning his vision into a reality.
That’s why he was able to recruit so many capable officers,
and why he was permitted to fend off retirement from the
Navy until he was in his 80s.
But for managers who don’t go on visionary quests or
who are not gifted with an exceptionally high IQ, a querulous
management style will spell career disaster. Such managers
move through the organization leaving a wake of ill feelings
and bad energy. They acquire reputations for being more
trouble than they are worth. In a turn-around or salvage
operation, such behavior might be excusable—but not in the
average work environment.

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