Book description
Suzette Troche-Stapp, "the glitterguru", one of the most successful and sought-after photographers/digital artists today, has written the book she wishes had existed when she started working professionally. Here, she divulges her secrets culled from years of producing commercial digital art, from how to think about images, setting up images at photo shoots, retouching secrets, to composing an entire business package. She covers the entire process of image creation and development from start to finish (from concept to cool!). Reading this book is like shadowing Suzette throughout her career -- both from an art and business perspective. If you're on a professional path with Photoshop -- whether just starting or already on your way -- this book will inspire and educate you. The book is geared toward both photographers and digital artists and is chock-full of all the gems Suzette has learned along the way. Suzette's spunk combined with the eye-catching images and design make this book as fun and visually appealing as it is practical. Check out the sample material and you'll get the idea. glittergure on Photoshop: From Concept to Cool was the Winner of the Designer's Bookshelf award for Most Exciting New Photoshop Book
Table of contents
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents at a Glance
- Table of Contents
- About the Author
- About the Technical Reviewers
- Acknowledgments
- Tell Us What You Think
- Welcome
- In the Beginning...
- Why Is This Book Different?
- So, What’s in This Book?
- Who Should Read This Book?
- Onward
- Index
- Back Matter
- Colophon
- Chapter Opening Art
- Footnotes
- Media
Product information
- Title: The glitterguru on Photoshop: From Concept to Cool
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2003
- Publisher(s): New Riders
- ISBN: 9780735711334
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