Chapter 2 FranceNEWMOTOR: An HR Policy to Develop New Skills at a French Company in the Aeronautics Industry

Thierry Colin, Benoît Grasser, Ewan Oiry, and Fabien Meier

DOI: 10.4324/9781003307099-3

Case Synopsis

NEWMOTOR1 is part of a French international group that is one of the leaders in the aeronautics industry. Their plant was created from scratch, in a rural area, with no industrial tradition. Public authorities offer financial support to develop employment in this region.

NEWMOTOR produces very complex composite material parts for “aircraft engines of the future” that consume less fuel, are lighter, and are much quieter. In a very short period, NEWMOTOR had to master an innovative 4.0 industrial process and rapidly increase production ...

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