Chapter 1
The Portfolio Process—Start to Finish
“Can you start on Wednesday?” The words floated across the table. I paused for a moment before answering. “I believe I can free up the remainder of the week.” (Not that I had had anything lined up.) The dean of education handed me a completed teaching schedule, shook my hand, and said, “The meetings are all day Wednesday. You start teaching on the following Monday. I’ll need all of your syllabi by next week.” I nodded and mumbled, “No problem.” As I stood up, the dean spoke once more. “We’re taking a chance on you, so don’t let us down.” Taking a slow breath so as not to hyperventilate, I said, “I’ll do my best.” I picked up my portfolio, walked out of the office, and headed back to my car.
This certainly wasn’t my first job interview. I had completed the interviewing process many times before. What made this interview so nerve-racking was that I wanted the job so desperately. The expression “Never let them see you sweat” came to my mind as the adrenaline finally gave out. Then it hit me: “I’m teaching college!” I hurried to the nearest phone to call home. I couldn’t wait to break the news about my new position.
So why was I offered that job? Was it my interview skills? My attire? My positive attitude? Nope! It was my portfolio—plain and simple. I had brought to the interview a portfolio of design projects that I had completed in college, plus a number of projects that I had created in my freelance business. Those pieces, together ...
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