Chapter 23The Good Life
We live in a world of infinite information and constant change. Our clients are seeking peace of mind and they want clarity and perspective from all this noise of information. If you want to help them live the good life and lead them on a path of a more abundant life, you must redefine the client experience. The conversation must go well beyond the investment dialogue. As technology continues to transform financial services and fundamentally changes the relationship clients have with us, it will be that holistic approach that will not become commoditized.
I had the best classroom for the past three decades watching people in pursuit of the good life. As a student of the business, I paid close attention to how clients achieved that success, how they thought about retirement, and choices they made. Since curiosity comes very naturally to me, I would frequently ask—still do—lots of questions. Some advisors would question why I wasn't on topic. And they would be right. I wanted to truly understand why clients made the decision they made. What drives them, what they worry about, why they made certain decisions. Today and for the past 25 years I have been asking and digging deeper about the advisor's mindset. What are advisors most proud of, what were their big mistakes, who are the people that matter most in their lives, and, finally, what drives them to be successful and achieve a life with less anxiety and more purpose? It is from these “off” topics that ...
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