Third Party Collection Services

Many people think collection agencies are out there just trying to make a buck at a consumer’s expense. However, a collection agency is a service business, just like a dry cleaner. Companies hire collection agencies when they don’t get paid, and expect them to collect from the debtor and send the money, less their charges, back to the company.

When I started my collection agency, I wasn’t thinking about how I could squeeze money out of people with no cash so that I could have more cash. I did it because I had worked as an accounts receivable clerk and as a credit manager for many years and I had experience in this field. Starting my agency allowed me to have flexibility with my work schedule so that I could be available for my children. I, of course, hoped to make money doing this, but I didn’t want it to happen by harassing people, yelling at them, or breaking laws. I hadn’t done that as a credit manager and didn’t plan to do that as an agency owner.

The feelings many consumers have about debt makes it easier for them to blame or be angry at whoever is asking them to pay their bills. But how does it make you feel when you have to repeatedly call or visit someone who owes you money in order to get paid? Is it fair for the person who owes you money to be angry at you and yell and swear at you in addition to not paying you? You did them a favor by offering them credit and now you are the bad guy—simply because you want to be paid. When you look ...

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