About the Authors
Hans Hedin is an expert and consultant in the field of Market and Competitive Intelligence. He has conducted hundreds of Market Intelligence (MI) development and implementation projects for international organizations in Europe, the Middle East, USA, South America, and Asia. Examples include MI product development, organizing and optimizing the MI function, Early Warning Systems, strategic workshops such as war/future games, and scenario analysis. Hedin is also a recognized speaker at international intelligence conferences such as SCIP and IIR, and he has chaired the most recent GIA Conferences in Europe and North America.
Hans Hedin has had a leading role in building up the Global Intelligence Alliance Network. It consists of over 100 GIA Member and GIA Research Partner companies and over 1,000 freelance consultants around the world. Through his global network, Hedin has earned a reputation as one of the most networked persons in the global intelligence industry.
Between 1992 and 1997, Hans Hedin taught and conducted Competitive Intelligence (CI) research at Lund University together with professor Stevan Dedijer, the “grandfather” of intelligence. Hedin’s area of research focused on how international companies were organizing their intelligence activities. He is still a popular guest lecturer at academic institutions such as The Royal School of Engineers Executive School, Stockholm School of Economics, Lund University, as well as Stockholm University at undergraduate, ...
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