

Third generation mobile technology, supports mobile broadband facilitating use of the internet from mobile devices. The roll-out of 3G dates from about 2001.


Fourth generation mobile technology, faster mobile broadband than 3G. The roll-out of 4G dates from about 2009.


A sensor in a mobile device that detects and measures movement.


An operating system for touchscreen mobile devices, developed by Google and currently the most common operating system on new phones sold.


A piece of software that runs on a mobile device, such as a game, a browser, or a survey app.

App store

An app store is a service where apps can be downloaded, including free and purchased apps. Apps downloaded from an approved app store such as iTunes or Google Play are more likely to be trusted than those downloaded from other locations.

Asynchronous online qualitative research

Qualitative approaches, such as online discussions, that do not require the participants and the moderator to be online at the same time. (See also ‘Synchronous online qualitative research’.)


The way somebody is identified online: it can be a name, or it can include an image, or it can be more complex.

BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)

A low cost, relatively secure messaging system that connected (and still connects) BlackBerry devices together. BBM is now available for other devices.


A technology protocol used for short distance transmissions between mobile devices.

Bluetooth ...

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