- A/B testing
- accelerometers
- access panels
- apps
- B2B research
- development phases
- ethnography and diaries
- growth of
- international research
- mixed-mode research
- mobile only surveys
- one stop solutions
- participant cooperation
- professional respondents
- research-on-research
- retail research
- sample effects
- strengths and weaknesses
- active research
- AdMob
- Adobe
- AdShout
- advertising
- A/B testing
- ad testing
- tracking
- agencies
- agile development
- alerts
- Android
- apps
- emergence of
- global sales
- growth of
- market share
- research-on-research
- smartphone only studies
- surveys
- tablets
- widespread adoption of
- Angry Birds
- animation
- annoyance
- anonymity
- Apache
- App Store
- app stores
- Apple
- App Store
- ascendency
- iBeacon
- iPad
- Siri
- smartphone evolution
- see also iOS; iPhone
- apps
- access panels
- definition of
- early research
- feature phones
- location tracking
- low cost
- mobile diaries
- mobile ethnography
- mobile only research
- passive data
- platform selection
- professional respondents
- qualitative research
- quantitative research
- recruitment of participants
- research communities
- shopping
- surveys
- usage tracking
- Arbitron
- asynchronous online qualitative research
- audio recordings
- depth interviews
- ethnographic data
- mobile diaries
- audio signals
- audio signature
- audits
- retail
- shopping
- avatars
- Ballve, Marcelo
- bandwidth
- battery life
- bias, new sources of
- big data
- BlackBerry
- BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)
- blogging
- Bluetooth
- apps
- ethical issues
- location within a site
- brands
- globalization ...
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