18The Future Is Bright: Recent Trends and Emerging Topics in Behavioral Operations

Karen Donohue1 and Kenneth Schultz2

1 Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

2 Xenia, OH, USA

18.1 Introduction

Our goal in this final chapter is to provide an aggregate view of recent trends in the behavioral operations (BeOps) field. We also offer a glimpse into current BeOps research in some exciting emerging topic areas. What this chapter does not attempt to do is summarize all the important future‐leaning research insights provided elsewhere in this handbook. We encourage readers to look to other chapters for current trends and future predictions concerning specific behavioral research methodologies (Part I), theoretical constructs (Part II), and advances within established operations management (OM) application contexts (Part III).

In gathering data on recent research trends, we followed the structure of literature reviews reported in Bendoly, Donohue, and Schultz (2006) and Croson et al. (2013) by focusing on publications in five major outlets within OM. These include Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Management Science (MS), Production and Operations Management (POM), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), and the Decision Sciences Journal (DSJ). Our review of papers published from 2012 to 2017 adds to the prior review of publications in these same journals from 1985 to mid‐2005 (Bendoly, Donohue, and Schultz 2006) and 2006–2011 ...

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