57Model Board of Directors Virtual and Hybrid Meeting and Work from Home Policy

Richard W. Leblanc, FCMC, CMC-AF, BSc, MBA, LLB, JD, LLM, PhD

Professor of Governance, Law & Ethics, York University, and Independent Governance Advisor

Table of Contents


The Governance and Nominating Committee (or the equivalent) of the Board of Directors (Board) of the Organization shall annually recommend to the Board, for review and approval, the In-Person, Virtual and Hybrid Meeting Schedule (Schedule) consisting of

  1. exclusively in-person Meetings;
  2. exclusively virtual Meetings; and
  3. hybrid in-person and virtual Meetings

of the Board and each Committee of the Board (Board Committee), prior to six months of the first Meeting of the Schedule.

In-person, Virtual, and Hybrid Meeting Schedule

  1. This Schedule shall incorporate the following considerations:
    1. Activities and outputs that lend themselves to in-person meetings, including length of notice; longer duration of meeting; relationship building; social interaction; inception and brainstorming; delivering of performance feedback; coaching and mentoring; complex topics and matters; strategic deliberations; and effectiveness. ...

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