The Health Care Data Guide: Learning from Data for Improvement

Book description

The Health Care Data Guide is designed to help students and professionals build a skill set specific to using data for improvement of health care processes and systems. Even experienced data users will find valuable resources among the tools and cases that enrich The Health Care Data Guide. Practical and step-by-step, this book spotlights statistical process control (SPC) and develops a philosophy, a strategy, and a set of methods for ongoing improvement to yield better outcomes.

Provost and Murray reveal how to put SPC into practice for a wide range of applications including evaluating current process performance, searching for ideas for and determining evidence of improvement, and tracking and documenting sustainability of improvement. A comprehensive overview of graphical methods in SPC includes Shewhart charts, run charts, frequency plots, Pareto analysis, and scatter diagrams. Other topics include stratification and rational sub-grouping of data and methods to help predict performance of processes.

Illustrative examples and case studies encourage users to evaluate their knowledge and skills interactively and provide opportunity to develop additional skills and confidence in displaying and interpreting data.

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Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Figures, Tables, and Exhibits
  7. Preface
  8. The Authors
  9. Part I: Using Data for Improvement
    1. Chapter 1: Improvement Methodology
      1. Fundamental Questions for Improvement
      2. The PDSA Cycle for Improvement
      3. Summary
      4. Key Terms
    2. Chapter 2: Using Data for Improvement
      1. What Does the Concept of Data Mean?
      2. The Importance of Operational Definitions
      3. Using a Family of Measures
      4. Summary
      5. Key Terms
    3. Chapter 3: Understanding Variation Using Run Charts
      1. Introduction
      2. What is a Run Chart?
      3. Use of a Run Chart
      4. Constructing a Run Chart
      5. Special Issues in Using Run Charts
      6. Summary
      7. Key Terms
    4. Chapter 4: Learning from Variation in Data
      1. The Concept of Variation
      2. Depicting Variation
      3. Introduction to Shewhart Charts
      4. Interpretation of a Shewhart Chart
      5. Establishing and Revising Limits for Shewhart Charts
      6. When Do We Revise Limits?
      7. Stratification with Shewhart Charts
      8. Rational Subgrouping
      9. Shewhart Charts with Targets, Goals, or other Specifications
      10. Special Cause: Is It Good or Bad?
      11. Other Tools for Learning from Variation
      12. Summary
      13. Key Terms
    5. Chapter 5: Understanding Variation Using Shewhart Charts
      1. Selecting the Type of Shewhart Chart
      2. Shewhart Charts for Continuous Data
      3. I Charts
      4. Process Capability
      5. Summary
      6. Key Terms
    6. Appendix 5.1: Calculating Shewhart Limits
      1. I Chart
      2. X and S Charts
      3. X and S Control Chart Calculation Form
    7. Chapter 6: Shewhart Chart Savvy: Dealing with Some Issues
      1. Designing Effective Shewhart Charts
      2. Some Cautions when Using I Charts
      3. Summary
  10. Part II: Advanced Theory and Methods with Data
    1. Chapter 7: More Shewhart-Type Charts
      1. Other Shewhart-Type Charts
      2. Shewhart Charts for Rare Events
      3. Some Alternatives to Shewhart-Type Charts
      4. Summary
      5. Key Terms
    2. Chapter 8: Special Uses for Shewhart Charts
      1. Shewhart Charts with a Changing Center Line
      2. Transformation of Data with Shewhart Charts
      3. Shewhart Charts for Autocorrelated Data
      4. Shewhart Charts for Attribute Data with Large Subgroup Sizes (Over-Dispersion)
      5. Summary
      6. Key Terms
    3. Chapter 9: Drilling Down into Aggregate Data for Improvement
      1. What are Aggregate Data?
      2. What is the Challenge Presented by Aggregate Data?
      3. Introduction to the Drill Down Pathway
      4. An Illustration of the Drill Down Pathway: Adverse Drug Events (Ades)
      5. Summary
      6. Key Terms
  11. Part III: Applications of Shewhart Charts in Health Care
    1. Chapter 10: Learning from Individual Patient Data
      1. Examples of Shewhart Charts for Individual Patients
      2. Summary
    2. Chapter 11: Learning from Patient Feedback to Improve Care
      1. Patient Surveys
      2. Summarizing Patient Feedback Data
      3. Presentation of Patient Satisfaction Data
      4. Using Patient Feedback for Improvement
      5. Using Patient Satisfaction Data in Planning for Improvement
      6. Special Issues with Patient Feedback Data
      7. Summary
      8. Key Terms
    3. Chapter 12: Using Shewhart Charts in Health Care Leadership
      1. A Health Care Organization’s Vector of Measures
      2. Developing a Vector of Measures
      3. Displaying and Learning from a Vector of Measures
      4. Administrative Issues with Vector of Measures
      5. Some Examples of Other Vectors of Measures
      6. Summary
      7. Key Terms
  12. Part IV: Case Studies
    1. Chapter 13: Case Studies Using Shewhart Charts
      1. Case Study A: Improving Access to a Specialty Care Clinic
      2. Case Study B: Radiology Improvement Projects
      3. Case Study C: Reducing Post-Cabg Infections
      4. Case Study D: Drilling Down into Percentage of C-Sections
      5. Case Study E: Accidental Puncture/Laceration Rate
      6. Case Study F: Reducing Hospital Readmissions
      7. Case Study G: Variation in Financial Data
      8. Summary
  13. Index
  14. Shewhart Chart Selection Guide

Product information

  • Title: The Health Care Data Guide: Learning from Data for Improvement
  • Author(s): Lloyd P Provost, Sandra Murray
  • Release date: October 2011
  • Publisher(s): Jossey-Bass
  • ISBN: 9780470902585