1. Deborah Doane, “The Myth of CSR,” The Stanford Innovation Review, Fall 2005 issue (http://www.ssireview.org/articles/entry/the_myth_of_csr/) accessed June 21, 2006.


1. Statistic taken from the Social Investment Forum’s 2003 report, Socially Responsible Investment Trends in the United States (updated December 2003), page i.

2. Ibid.

3. Paul Hawken, “Is Your Money Where Your Heart Is?” Common Ground, October 2004, page 14.

4. According to the As You Sow Foundation, Pepsi has done far less than Coke on recycled content and container recovery matters. After serious resistance, the company finally agreed to match Coke’s commitment to using 10 percent recycled content by 2005. Information taken from http://www.asyousow.org/sustainability/coke.shtml ...

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