The Discovery

Background, Key Players, and Situations

Thursday, January 23, 2020

It’s 6 a.m. on another cold and foggy morning in Spring Green, a small Midwestern town in Wisconsin. I stretch my right arm out across the satin beige sheets to grab my phone and snooze the alarm. I decide to take a sneak peek at the texts sitting on my home screen, after hearing multiple dings. Could it be Richie this early, I think.

Sure enough, it is Richard Parker, my boss and our CIO. I quickly open the messages, thinking it’s unusual for Richie to start the day so early in the morning. Half awake, I struggle to read with half-open and blurry eyes. I bring the phone close to my face as I read the text messages.

Figure 1.1 Text—Richie and Neil

I look ...

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