11Transforming Human Mobility

What Every Business Can Learn from Transport Tech

We are about to experience the next major shift in human mobility, the likes of which we have not seen since the arrival of the steam engine. This transformation of the global transportation system provides useful insights for every business.

The Challenge: Climate, Traffic, and Moving Deathtraps

Today's global transportation network is amazing. A journey to the other side of the planet takes less than a day and costs the same as a laptop. But our cities are crowded and becoming more densely populated every year. Existing transport systems are overwhelmed, which limits economic activity and reduces livability. We need new ways to move people and goods safely from one place to another.

Automotive Accidents Claim More Than a Million Lives Each Year

Each year more than 5 million fender benders injure 4.5 million people and kill more than 40,000 more, just in the United States alone (Source: National Safety Council). Globally, 1.35 million people are killed in car crashes each year, one human life every 23 seconds, with almost half of those killed being pedestrians, cyclists, or motorcyclists (Source: World Health Organization). Road accidents are the eighth-leading cause of death globally and account for 2.2% of all deaths. Car accidents are the leading cause of death in people aged 15 to 29. Beyond the human suffering, this motorized mayhem has a significant economic impact. Property is destroyed, ...

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