Chapter 18

Blogging: The World Reads Your Diary

In This Chapter

arrow Reading other people’s blogs, or online diaries

arrow Commenting on other people’s blogs (politely, we hope)

arrow Subscribing to a blog so that you know when it has a new posting

arrow Making your own blog

arrow Posting to your blog

Diaries are as old as writing. (We made up that statement, but it may well be true. Perhaps you can do some Internet research and let us know whether it is.) However, diaries that every single person on the entire Internet can read are a more recent invention. Not many people have always dreamed of publishing their diaries, but lots of people want to write regular columns where they can express their opinion, tell stories, or post pictures. Blogs have made that expression possible, easy, and free.

If you want to look at or post photos or video instead of prose, you can use a website like Tumblr.

tip.eps If you’re not an ...

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