7 Blending Service Learning and E-Learning Elements in Higher Education: Experiences with a Variation of the Inverted Classroom Model

Philip Meyer


This report reflects on a course at the University of Augsburg, which I taught from April 2012 until February 2014 during my work for the initiative “Bildung durch Verantwortung” (Sporer et al., 2011: 72ff.). The course had been co-developed by the University of Augsburg and the FAU Nuremberg-Erlangen for Bavaria’s virtual university network (Jahn/Meyer/Stitz, 2012). At the University of Augsburg, it is still collaboratively conducted by the chair of media didactics and the media lab (Mayrberger, 2014; Sporer, 2014). The course is entitled ‘Service Learning: Social Learning in Schools, Universities ...

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