
The Purpose of This Textbook

This textbook has been developed with two objectives in mind: Consolidate the key concepts, research, theories, and application that form the critical knowledge and skills of investment advisors and consultants into one volume; and offer CIMA certification candidates a comprehensive resource to help them in their studies as they proceed through their candidacy.

The Layout and Structure of This Textbook

We have leveraged works from some of the best minds in academia and industry to present a unified body of text that encompasses the CIMA Core Topics List. While the readings in the textbook follow the CIMA exam content blueprint by domain and section, not all of the (525) line items found on that list are covered in this book. That being said, you will find that most of those topics are reviewed in this text, and just as important, each is covered at a level of depth and cognitive skill as is appropriate.

In addition to following the order of the CIMA Core Topics List, we have woven readings together in a way that is logical and should be easy to follow. Some of the concepts found early in this textbook should be considered building blocks for content and application that will appear later in the text. Consequently you will see some repetition of concepts and calculations that we feel form a critical foundation for understanding more advanced application.

For the most part we were able to use complete chapters and readings to explore ...

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