The iPod & iTunes Pocket Guide128
Get the Goods
Now that you have an account and can fi nd your way
around The Store, it’s time to stop manhandling the
merchandise and actually buy something. You’ll be
amazed by how easy (and addictive) this can be.
The pick-and-pay method
The pick-and-pay method is akin to going to a record
store, picking up a CD, taking it to the counter,
purchasing the disc, returning to the store to pick
another CD, purchasing it, going back to the store
once again, and . . . well, you get the idea. You pay as
you go. This is how The Store operates by default.
Pick-and-pay works this way:
1. Pick your Poison (or Prince, “Prison Break,” or
Pirates of the Caribbean).
Using any of the methods I suggested earlier,
locate music, audiobooks, or video that you
desperately need to own.
2. Click the Buy button.
To purchase a song or TV episode, click the Buy
Song or Buy Episode entry in the Price column
that appears in iTunes’ main window. To purchase
an album, TV season, movie, or audiobook, look
near the top of the window for a Buy button. The
price of your purchase is listed next to each of
these buttons.
Chapter 4: The iTunes Store 129
At times, you can’t download an entire album. Instead,
The Store may list a partial album—one from which you
can purchase only individual songs. Other times, you
can’t buy certain music tracks individually; you must
purchase the entire album.
3. Enter your Apple ID or AOL screen name and
password in the resulting window.
4. Click the Buy button.
Just to make sure you weren’t kidding around
when you clicked the Buy button, a new window
asks you to confi rm your intention to make your
purchase. Should you care to banish this window
forevermore, check the Don’t Warn Me Again
check box.
If you’ve decided not to purchase the item, click
Cancel and go on with your life.
5. Click the Buy button again.
The media you purchased begins downloading,
and you’re charged for your purchases. As each
item downloads, its progress is monitored in
the Downloads folder in iTunes’ Source list. You
can pause some downloads to give priority to
others—pause your podcasts from download-
ing to get a TV show or movie more quickly,
for example.
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