Chapter 19. Syntax
This chapter repeats the syntactic grammar given in Chapters 4, 6-10, 14, and 15, as well as key parts of the lexical grammar from Chapter 3, using the notation from §2.4.
Productions from §3 (Lexical Structure)
Identifier: IdentifierChars but not a Keyword or BooleanLiteral or NullLiteralIdentifierChars: JavaLetter {JavaLetterOrDigit}JavaLetter: any Unicode character that is a “Java letter”JavaLetterOrDigit: any Unicode character that is a “Java letter-or-digit”Literal: IntegerLiteral FloatingPointLiteral BooleanLiteral CharacterLiteral StringLiteral NullLiteral
Productions from §4 (Types, Values, and Variables)
Type: PrimitiveType ReferenceTypePrimitiveType: {Annotation} NumericType
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