abstract thinkers, 181

abusive relationships, 192–193

adjustments, vs. leap, 4

adolescent identity crisis, 97

adversity, 19–22, 21–22

advice givers, 38


assessing true, 7

chronological vs. functional, 7

denying, 226–231

psychological, 223


attitudes about, 44–46

confronting, 33–34

reality of, 3

Analytic Thinker, 150, 181, 183

style, 153–154

temperament, 184

Angelou, Maya, 18

anxiety, 229–231

Art of Growing Old, The (Saussy), 228

Artisan-Craftsperson, 151, 181, 182, 183

style, 156

assumptions, 186–187, 198

impact on vision, 51

attraction of opposites, 180

awareness, of behavior, 172–173

Baker, Dan, What Happy People Know, 53, 99–100, 175

barriers, vs. opportunities, x–xi

bed-and-breakfast facilities in Peru, 73–74


awareness ...

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