
Miscellaneous resources

Abadi, Martin, and Luca Cardelli. 1996. A Theory of Objects. New York: Springer. Although not a mathematical concept, object-oriented programming has obtained rigor with this gem.

Abelson, Harold, and Gerald Jay Sussman. 1988. “Lisp: A Language for Stratified Design.” MIT, AI Memo 986.

Abelson, Harold, and Gerald Jay Sussman. 1996. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. There is no better book for learning Scheme and the fine art of programming.

Abiteboul, Serge, Richard Hull, and Victor Vianu. 1995. Foundations of Databases. Boston: Addison-Wesley. Clojure’s clojure.set namespace is actually modeled more on the named conjunctive algebra, for which this book provides ...

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