Job No:11-22360 Title:RP-Language of Graphic Design
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Page numbers in italic indicate figures.
A magazine, 111
definition, 168–170
historical references, 170, 173
levels of, 173–174, 177
Academy for Graphic Arts and Book
Production in Leipzig, 133
Accept & Proceed, 52
Acquire New York, 156
Ada, or Ardor (Nabokov), 163
AdamsMorioka Inc., 60, 186, 190, 245
additive color, 67, 70
Aguinaldo, Neil, 17
Ahmad, Sehyr, 202
Aicher, Otl, 201
Al Groobi, Sarah, 233
Albers, Josef, 51, 201
Alfalfa Studio LLC, 39, 174, 220
Alfred A. Knopf Publishers, 176
All My Sons (Miller), 81
Allegemein Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG),
Allgemeine Gewerbeschule Basel School of
Art and Crafts (Schule fur Gestaltung
or AGS), 153, 201
Allgemeine Gewerbeschule (Basel School
of Design), 191
Allianz, 201
Aluminum Alphabet Series, 43
American Institute of Architects San Diego,
American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA),
39, 194, 220, 229
American University jazz ensemble, 185
“Amore y Arte” (“Love and Art”), 164
Amphibian Stage Productions, 174
And Partners, 46, 124
Anderson, Gail, 160
Angelou, Maya, 93
Angels in America (Kushner), 27
Animal Farm (Orwell), 232
Anouilh, Jean, 31
AOL, 19
APA Technologies, 200
Archer Farms, 86
Arctic Club Hotel, 114
Arp, Hans, 95
Art Chantry Design Company, 160
Art Directors Club of Metropolitan
Washington, 78
Art Institute of Chicago, 105
Art Students League, 75, 211
artists’ films and videos, poster for, 135
Arts in HealthCare program, 34
As You Like It (Shakespeare), 77
“Ashamed to be Asian?”, 197
Aspen Institute, 146
Aspenware, 86
Assuring the Jefferson Legacy: The Site
and Facilities Plan for Monticello, 223
Asymmetric Typography (Typographische
Gestaltung), 133
characteristics, 134, 136–138
definition, 130–132
references in nature, 132, 134
Atelier Pastille Rose, 46–47, 84
atlas, use of balance in, 121
Austellung Helmhaus, 153
Austopchuk, Christopher, 197
Australian Graphic Design Association, 139,
Aventine, 77
Awake and Sing! (Odets), 230
Azuero Earth Project, 238
Bacon, Paul, 75
balance, 121
asymmetrical, 134, 136–138
definition, 112–114
degrees of, 117–118, 120
and formal symmetry, 119
and location of elements, 117
as organizational and compositional
principle, 121
types of, 114, 117
Baltimore’s Theatre Project, 117
Bam, 173
Bantjes, Marian, 162
Barboe, Cassandra, 46
Barragan, Luis, 103
Basel School of Design (Allgemeine
Gewerbeschule), 191
Bass, Saul, 211
Bauhaus, 51, 133, 181, 191, 201
bauhaus zeitschrift (Bauhaus magazine), 51
Bayer, Herbert, 51, 133, 161
Beall, Lester, 105
Beckley, Bill, 101
Behrens, Peter, 15
Berbic, Amir, 202, 233
Berg, Alan, 23
Bergen Street Studio, 155
Bergenz, Austria, contemporary art museum,
Berlage, H. P., 143
The Berlin Stories (Isherwood), 98
Bernhard, Lucien, 239
The Best Creative Nonfiction, Volume 1
(Gutkind, ed.), 70–71
Bideawee, 71
Bierut, Michael, 162
“The Bilbao Effect,” 29
Bill, Max, 95, 201
Biruta, 142
Blank Mosseri, 63
Blok Design, 84, 86, 100, 180, 238
BLT Architects, 157
Boggeri, Antonio, 161
Boney’s Bayside Market, 124
Booher, Jason, 162
Boy and Girl on a Fence, Rural Electrification
Administration Series Two, 105
Boychuk, Tracy, 16, 244
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Job No:11-22360 Title:RP-Language of Graphic Design
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