Job No:11-22360 Title:RP-Language of Graphic Design
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th e la n guag e of gr ap hic d es i gn
Heath Ceramics, 213
Hedda Gabler (Ibsen), 166
Helmo, 182, 222, 228
Hemenway, Priya, 223
Henrion, F. H. K., 115
Herald newspaper, 263
Hermann Scherrer style, 239
Hinterland, 106, 132
Hippocampe (Brullemans), 166
Hoffmann, Julia, 29, 196
Hofmann, Armin, 115, 153, 191
Hohlwein, Ludwig, 239
Horace, 227
The House at Sugar Beach: In Search of a
Lost African Childhood (Cooper), 28–29
Huasen Architecture Company, 19
Huber, Max, 95, 201
Hurricane Katrina, 267
The Husband’s Prayer (Schlemmer), 161
If You Liked School, You’ll Love Work
(Welsh), 172
Igarashi, Takenobu, 43
Iizuka, Ryota, 66, 214
Il conte, 245
Ilic, Mirko, 129
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), 229
illustration vs. photography, 234
characteristics, 228, 231
classifications, 231
definition, 226–228
functions, 233–235
graphic forms, 231–233
new relationships of photographic form,
development of, 233
The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde), 81
Impulse, 38
Infinite Scale Design, 37, 139
International Typeface Corporation (ITC),
International Typographic Style, 191, 201
Introduction to Linguistics (Koch), 250
Introduction to Philosophy (Heidegger), 50
Invitation to a Beheading (Nabokov), 162
Itten, Johannes, 201
J. Christopher Capital, 132
Japanese Cinema Festival ‘09, 214
Jeanneret-Gris, Charles-Édouard
(Le Corbusier), 15, 95, 266
Jin, Sang Lee, 16
Joehnk, Amber, 26
Jog Limited, 184
John P. McNulty Prize, 146
Johnston, Simon, 66, 214
Jugendstil (New Art), 15
Kandinsky, Wassily, 21, 33, 51, 61, 201
Kanuhura, 78
Kaye, Michael Ian, 50, 79, 217
Kepes, Gyorgy, 211
Kidd, Chip, 162
Killing the Buddha (Manseau), 235
King, Queen, Knave (Nabokov), 162
Kingdom of Fife (Welsh), 172
Klee, Paul, 59, 95, 133, 171, 201
Kobayashi, Mikihiro, 27
Konstruktivisten, 133
Kuhlman, Roy, 229
Kunstgewerbemuseum, 201
Kunstgewerbeschule, Zurich (School of
Applied Arts), 95, 153, 221
Kusama, Yayoi, 16
Kusui, Takashi, 25, 77, 192, 203
Kyorin, 170
La Radio dans le Noir, 157
Lab31, 57
Laga Company, 143
L’Amore per i Libri (De Bury), 234–235
Landers Miller, 240
Landor, 55, 87, 118, 139, 214, 255, 265
The Language of Things (Sudjic), 109
LargaVista Companies, 106
Latina magazine, 67
Laughter in the Dark (Nabokov), 163
Le Bras canadien et autre vanités (Lehoux), 81
Le Cabaret de Carmen, 117
Le Corbusier (Jeanneret-Gris, Charles-
Édouard), 15, 95, 266
Lee, Ji, 25, 77, 203
Leo Ingwer Jewelers, 124
Leonardo da Vinci, 222
Les Adventures de Lagardère, 186
Les Noces, 161
letterforms, anatomy of, 251
Leuppi, Leo, 95, 201
lg2boutique, 136, 192
definition, 48–50
historical references, 50, 52
properties and characteristics, 52,
representation of data about light and
dark, 52–53
light festival in Porec, Croatia, 57
Lim, Andrew, 79, 217
characteristics, 21–22
definition, 20
in environment, 26
functions of, 24, 29
graphic forms, 26–28
historical references, 22, 24
quality, 26, 29
tone and message, 24, 26
linear/one-point perspective, 45,
Lionni, Leo, 75
Lip, 243
Liquid Capital, 184–185
Lissitzky, El (Eliezer, Elizar, or Lazar), 33, 133
Living Openly and Notoriously (Hess), 117
location of elements, 117
Lohse, Richard Paul, 95, 201
Lord of the Flies (Golding), 232
Los Angeles magazine, 127
Los Angeles World Airports, 248
Lottes, John, 201
Louise Fili Ltd., 25, 34, 126, 129, 210, 245
Lubalin, Herb, 249
Lustig, Alvin, 75, 171, 229
Lux, 182, 222
Lynch, Jason, 175
Mac Industries, 37, 139
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 174
Magritte, René, 199
Maison Theatre, 136
Mak, Jeanelle, 200
Maldonado, Tomas, 201
Malevich, Kasimir, 33
Man on Wire, 120
The Man with the Golden Arm, 211
Mann, Thomas, 128
Man’s Search for Himself (May), 129
Mao (Short), 213
The Map Office, 204, 257
Marceau, Marcel, 192
Markatos Moore, 39, 77
Marquette, Jamus, 172
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT), 115
The Matchbox Studio, 205
Matisse, Henri, 113
Max Protetch Gallery, 152
Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 33
McCoy, Katherine, 9
McGill School of Architecture, 46–47, 84
Media Trust, 98, 262
Meet Girls, 175
Melbourne, City of, 118–119, 265
Job No:11-22360 Title:RP-Language of Graphic Design
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