Job No:11-22360 Title:RP-Language of Graphic Design
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rhythm, effects of, 100
Rhythm Textures, 116
Rime (Buonarroti), 234–235
Ring Around the Moon (Anouilh), 76
Ripped: How the Wired Generation
Revolutionized Music (Kot), 106
Rockwell, Jarvis, 54
Rodchenko, Alexandr, 33
Rodrigo Corral Design, 60, 67, 71, 80
Rogers Eckersley Design, 27, 54, 56, 128, 138
Rondthaler, Edward, 249
rotative symmetry, 129
Rothko, Mark, 171
Roundabout Theatre Company, 118
Ruder, Emil, 191, 264
The Ruined Map (Abe), 80
Ruskin, John, 159
Russian Constructivism, 33
Sachplakat mode, 239
Sacks, Oliver, 10
Saegusa, Takako, 50
Safe Horizon, 27
Sagmeister Inc., 47, 193, 238
Sahre, Paul, 253
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 169
Sandberg, Willem, 181
Sandwich Creative, 230
Sans Serif typefaces, 254
atlas, use of in, 89
and context, 87–88
definition, 82–84
and optical effects, 88–90
representation of data about personal
activity, 90
types of, 84, 86
use of, 86–87
Schlemmer, Oskar, 161, 201
Schmidt, Joost, 51
Scholastic, 39
School of Applied Arts
(Kunstgewerbeschule), Zurich, 95, 153,
School of Arts and Crafts, Amsterdam, 143
School of Visual Arts, 121, 128–129, 149, 160
Schule fur Gestaltung or AGS (Allgemeine
Gewerbeschule Basel School of Art and
Crafts), 153, 201
Scrap House, 155
Scripps Research Institute, 228
Seagull, 97
Seeds of the Cities, 19
Seitz, Peter, 201
semiotics, 201
Sense & Sensibility (Austen), 244
Sense Team, 19, 154, 258
Shakespeare, William, 73
and balance, 117
categories of, 37
characteristics, 32, 34
definition, 30–32
vs. form, 39
The Shape of Globalization: World Auto
Industry, 18
The Shape of News, 264
Shaw, George Bernard, 151
Shopsin, Tamara, 162
Signature Theatre Company, 22
SINO, 216
Slab Serif typefaces, 254
Slavko, 192–193
Smithsonian Institution, 44
Soapbox Design Communications, 231
Society of Young Artists, 33
The Sold Appetite, 33
Sondheim on Sondheim, 110
Soto, 214–215
Soulpepper Theatre, 76–77, 230
characteristics and techniques, 106–108
definition, 102–104
describing, 104
perspective, 108–110
representation of data about people in
cities, 107
types of, 106
use of white space, 109
Speak, Memory (Nabokov), 162
Spotco, 52, 110, 118
Sprint, 64
Spur Design, 117
Staatliche Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste,
The Starry Messenger (Lonergan), 56
State Academy of Art, Amsterdam, 181
State Free Art Workshops (formerly
Stoganov School of Applied Art), 33
Stealth, 204
Stedelijk Museum, 181
Stenberg, Vladimir and Georgii (Stenberg
Brothers), 33
Stephen Petronio Company, 147
Stepnova, Varvara, 33
Stereotype Design, 256, 267
Still, Clifford, 171
Stoganov School of Applied Art (later State
Free Art Workshops), 33
Stoltze Design, 194
Stories from the Field, 25
Stories (Nabokov), 163
The Stranger (Camus), 207
Stravinsky, Igor, 23, 161
Street Sweets, 240
Studio Boggeri, 95
Studio Museum in Harlem, 204
Studio Sonda, 57, 164, 224
subtractive color, 70
The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway), 127
Sun UV, 200
Supermetric, 195, 266
Support and Resist (Rappaport), 148
Suprematist painting, 33
Surace, John, 128
Sussman, Deborah, 61
Sussman/Prejza & Company, 17, 61, 70, 248
Swiss International Typographic Style, 23
Swiss modernism, 95, 201
and balance, 119
definition, 122–124, 126
types of, 126–127, 129
Tam, Jason, 167
Target, 39
TCHO, 241
characteristics and effects, 145–146, 148
definition, 140–142
Terence Higgins Trust, 195, 203
Terrazzo Prosecco, 34
and balance, 117
characteristics, 74
creation of, 78, 80
definition, 72–74
effects of, 80
types of, 77–78
and use of diverse compositional
elements, 74
Theater Construction in Antiquity and
Modernity, 153
Theaterbau von der Antike bis zur Moderne,
Théâtre Français, 166–167
Think Studio, 148
This Book is Not Pink, 217
Thomas & Star, 38–39
Thoreau, Henry David, 8
Three Quandries (Mann), 128
The Three Sisters (Chekhov), 97
Tiffany & Company, 126
Tirondola, Meaghan, 54
To Have and Have Not (Hemingway), 126
To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee), 232
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