
Answer the following reflection questions:

  • What have you changed recently about the way you do things?
  • What “daring failure” have you experienced in your life? How did you handle it? What did you learn? Be as specific as you can.
  • What do you find fun and rewarding about taking risks and trying new things?
  • What do you find difficult about taking risks and trying new things?


Check for Limiting Assumptions

In every sector, industry, organization, program, and group, it seems that even before you start a project, there are real or imagined limitations on what you can do. You're undoubtedly familiar with hearing, “We can't do that because…” whenever you propose something innovative and different. Of course, some of the reasons for not making a change are valid. But some are simply emotional reactions, because change can be uncomfortable and even frightening.

Following are examples of common statements about possible constraints on your project. Check the statements that express what you are likely to hear when you propose a change. Then use the space below the examples to add any other reasons you might hear.


  • We don't have enough staff/space/money/time/and so on for this project.
  • We're working remotely, which makes it hard to communicate.
  • We have too many other more important priorities/commitments.
  • No one on the team ...

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