
AARRR, 134, 137

Accelerator programs, 52

Accelerators, 33, 73, 170

Acceptance criteria, colony's, 4950

Acceptly (online service), 5

Achievement-oriented entrepreneurs, 5960


acquisitions vs., 171

compensation of, 6364

General Electric and percentage of, 12

innovation colonies and, 169

Neopost strategy for, 181

Silicon Valley pricing standard, 174

Acquisition, activation, retention, referral, or revenue (AARRR). See AARRR

Acquisition/acquire early, 5, 13, 167. See also Neopost

choosing targets, 171173

compensation for, 63

control and momentum in, 29, 169170

customers and, 134

finding opportunities, 170171

General Electric and, 12

goal of, 168169

Intuit Lab Incubator and, 18

lean enterprise objections and, 215216

pitfalls and, 176178

structuring the deal, 173176

Actionable metrics, 133134, 136, 138, 147

Action framework, innovation and, 2831

Activated customers, 134

Addictive behavior, 120

Advertising-based business, metrics for, 143144

Agile software development method, 8485, 86

Airbnb, 27, 28, 36, 47, 168

Alexander Graham Bell's telephone, 28


API resources, 21

cloud computing resources and, 22

competition and, 23

Amazon Web Services, 22, 40

American Express, 39

Anderson, Tom, 174

Andreessen, Marc, 19

Android, 47

Angel Capital Association, 187

AngelList, 21, 170

Angry Birds, 168

API. See Application programming interface (API)

Application programming interface (API), 21

AS IS Journey Map, 120

Assets, News Corp, 168

Assumptions, 87, 92. See ...

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