About the Authors

Brant Cooper

Brant Cooper kickstarts innovation. He helps organizations big and small move the needle.

Coming from the startup world, his career includes Tumbleweed, Timestamp, WildPackets, inCode, and many others. He has experienced initial public offering (IPO), acquisition, rapid growth, and miserable failure. Prior to the New York Times bestselling The Lean Entrepreneur, Brant’s previous book, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development, the first purpose-written book to discuss lean startup and customer development concepts, earned a distribution of more than 50,000 copies. Through Market By Numbers, he helped develop and publish the bestselling The Lean Brand, bringing lean innovation practices to the marketing side of the house.

Brant has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs across the globe and is an internationally sought-after keynote speaker, startup mentor, and corporate adviser. He has worked with such leading companies such as Qualcomm, Intuit, Capital One, GE, and Transamerica.

Brant tweets at reachable@brantcooper. He lives with (and continuously learns from) his two daughters, Riva and Eliza, near Swami’s in Encinitas, California.


Patrick Vlaskovits is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, ...

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