Eruptions Data

There are two versions of the eruptions data. One is a text file and the other is a SAS data set, but they both contain the same columns and data values.

File Type:Text file with comma-separated valuesSAS data set
VolcanoName of the volcano 
StartDateDate the eruption started in MMDDYY10. format 
EndDateDate the eruption ended in MMDDYY10. format 
VEIVolcanic Explosivity Index0–8


Volcano, StartDate, EndDate, VEI Barren Island, 12/20/1795, 12/21/1795, 2 Barren Island, 12/20/1994, 06/05/1995, 2 Erebus, 12/12/1912, . , 2 Erebus, 01/03/1972, . , 1 Etna, 02/06/1610, 08/15/1610, 2 Etna, 06/04/1787, 08/11/1787, 4 Etna, 01/30/1865, 06/28/1865, 2 Etna, 12/16/2005, ...

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