1.10. Selected Standard Formats

SAS formats (also called display formats) tell SAS Enterprise Guide how to display or print data. You can apply formats in the column Properties window of a Data Grid, in the Properties window within a task, or in a query. Here are a few of the many formats available in SAS Enterprise Guide.

FormatDefinitionWidth rangeDefault width
$UPCASEw.Converts character data to uppercase1–32767Length of variable or 8
$w.Writes standard character data—default for character data1–32767Length of variable or 1
Date, Time, and Datetime[1]
DATEw.Writes SAS date values in form ddmonyy or ddmonyyyy5–97
DATETIMEw.dWrites SAS datetime values in form ddmmmyy:hh:mm:ss.ss7–4016
DTDATEw.Writes SAS datetime values in form ddmonyy or ...

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