2.15. Reading Fixed-Width Raw Data

Fixed-width raw data files are similar to delimited raw data files, but instead of having a delimiter separating data values, the data values are lined up in tidy vertical columns.

Input Data

These data are a sample from a file named LatLong.txt, which contains three variables: the name of each volcano, followed by its latitude and longitude. Notice that the column names appear in the first row, and the data values are vertically aligned.

Volcano       Latitude Longitude
Altar         -1.67    -78.42
Barren Island 12.28     93.52
Elbrus        43.33     42.45
Erebus       -77.53    167.17
Etna          37.73     15.00
Fuji          35.35    138.73
G ib ldi      49 85    123 00

Opening a Fixed-Width Data File

To open the data file, select File Open Data from the menu bar. In the ...

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